Army Skin Fade Crew Cut Boys Haircut Style: The Class and Timeless Sensation


The Army Skin Fade Crew Cut or the Crew Cut, is one of the most timeless haircuts in existence in modern society. Many boys and men love this wore it for all ages, including the ARMY members of the armed forces and also this hairstyle. The Army Skin Fade Crew Cut is easy to manage and flexible as it works for various face shapes, hair types, and fashion preferences. In the course of this blog post, I will illustrate details of this timeless hairstyle, among them its origin, how to manage it, and how to incorporate it to give one a killer look.

A Brief History of Army Skin Fade Crew Cut

The Army Skin Fade Crew Cut dates back to the early 20th Century. Originally, this was used by soldiers in the course of serving their military duties to enhance the ability to maintain close-cut, neat, and functional hair kind. Thus, the name “Crew Cut” was derived from the fact that it was also a preferred style by sailors, farmers, and most laborers. This haircut developed from just being functional with time and became a fashionable and classy haircut commonly associated with boys and men.

The ARMY Skin Fade is a special kind of Crew Cut. This hairstyle has the skin fade, where a hairline is shaved, while the scalp hair gets longer and longer as the head is moved upwards. The name is taken from the fact that the style is called ‘ARMY’ and the skin fade is worn by soldiers or members of a military force. In recent years, the Army Skin Fade Crew Cut has emerged as one of the best cuts for men who want to have classic, rugged, and easy-to-manage hair.

How To Style The Army Skin Fade Crew Cut?

Styling the Army Skin Fade Crew Cut is fairly easy because the Skin Fade Crew Cut is a relatively easy cut to begin with. However, if one aims for a particular look, there are several aspects that should be looked at when styling the above said hairstyle.

Facial Shape and Hair Type

It is crucial to take a few things before going for Army Skin Fade Crew Cut. These include Facial structure and hair type. It is good for round-faced guys because it will extend the face’s length and also make the man look more muscular. They also recommend this for different hair types, such as straight, wavy hair, and not only curly hair. But while this is a great idea it may not be very useful for someone who has thick, curly hair as they might have to tweak it in order to suit their hair type.

Product Selection

In order to put in shape the Army Skin Fade Crew Cut, some necessary hair products are required. One can compliment the hair by applying an excellent hair pomade or wax that will help in maintaining the hair in style. When choosing the products, make sure that they give a good grip and do not slip off easily, they are water-proof and have normal luster. Also, when it comes to styling, a hair brush or comb which is a good quality should be bought so as to enable one manage their hair easily.

Styling Technique

To style the Army Skin Fade Crew Cut, follow these steps:

  • Start by using a mild shampoo and conditioner that matches the type of hair since this provides a perfect start.
  • Rinse your hair with clean water and blot it dry with a towel, then use either a comb or brush through the hair.
  • Take a little amount of hair pomade and wax spread it on your palms, and run it through your hair from your scalp.
  • Tie the rest with an elastic band and apply gel to shape it – comb your hair on a side, take the top layer,r and comb it forward to get the desired hairstyle.
  • When you have achieved the kind of style you want to maintain, you should then proceed to use the remaining sticky substance, whether it is pomade or wax, to set your hairstyle further. Make sure that when you are done with it, it is clean with a sharp transition to the other color.
  • Finally, style your hair by rumpling your hair with your fingers in the last stage for an optimum finish.

Check Out: Army Medium Crew Cut Boys Haircut Style: How To?

Skin Fade Crew Cut Care Instructions for the ARMY

Skin Fade

To maintain the Army Skin Fade Crew Cut and keep it looking fresh, consider these maintenance tips:

  • Regular Trims: Some people take 4-6 weeks for their hair to grow to the Barber’s preferred length thus the need to go for a shave in this period. This will assist in keeping the hair shaped and the desired length of the top layer of hair, as well as a sharp skin fade line.
  • Product Build-up: Often, if you continuously style your hair, there is the possibility of product accumulation on the surface of the scalp. Daily washing your hair with a mild shampoo will be useful for removing different sorts of products and keeping your scalp in good condition.
  • Scalp Care: The skin fade part of Army Skin Fade Crew Cut puts your head and, thus, your scalp bare. As for the facial skin, be sure to massage your scalp every day while using a light, non-oil-based lotion so as to avoid the embarrassment of having a dry or flaky scalp.
  • Sun Protection: When going out for prolonged sun exposure or when going on a holiday, rub some high SPF sunscreen on your head, your hair may not be adequate as a sunscreen. Essentially, over-exposure to ultraviolet radiation may result in scalp injuries, not excluding skin tumors.


The Army Skin Fade Crew Cut is one particular type of hair that has looked good on any man at any time. It can easily be maintained, can be used in a variety of ways, and is perfect for boys and men of any age. To men out there seeking a neat or well-groomed look, the above tips on styling and maintenance, as discussed in this blog post, will go a long way in helping you achieve the much-desired all-round stylish, mature, and confident look. Therefore, if you are interested in the combination of a traditional cut with a contemporary feel, take the Army Skin Fade Crew Cut and become one of the lucky owners of this eternal trend.

For more info: Click Here.


1. How frequently should I get my hair cut?

When it comes to how often this particular cut– the Army Skin Fade Crew Cut– needs trims, the answer is pegged to how fast your hair grows. Usually, it is recommended that you go for a new touch-up every 4-6 weeks in order to maintain the right style and have a clean line at the skin fade.

2. Is the Army Skin Fade Crew Cut suitable for different hair types?

Yes, the Army Skin Fade Crew Cut can be for any type of hair, including straight, wavy hair. Nevertheless, those with thick or curly hair might have to make some changes to adjust to that hair type to achieve the desired hairstyle.

3. Is the Army Skin Fade Crew Cutwork for any and every face shape?

Among other hairstyles, the Army Skin Fade Crew Cut is best suited to men with round faces since it makes the face look longer and chiseled. On the other hand, it can also be incorporated into different types of faces, thus making it an ideal hairstyle for most boys and men.

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