Puff Balls Haircut Style for Boys: A Trendy and Stylish Haircut for Boys with Thick Hair


Puff Balls Haircut

First of all, people should know that over the past couple of years, the world of haircuts and actually hairstyles has been changed, and there is no need to explain why. These clothes are now ranging from the conventional styles of hair cuts, which are being changed by new stylish haircuts that reflect confidence that can express the personality of the wearer, as well as fashionable clothes. Of all the hair cuts that has started making the rounds in current years, the best one for boys is puff balls haircut. This trendy, elegant, and highly professional hair cut is also formal and can easily be maintained for any informal or formal outing.

In this blog article, let me give you an insight of puff balls haircuts for boys, all you need to learn about this amazing hairstyle. It is also important to know how this kind of haircut is useful, how to look after one’s hair, and what the recommendations are for styling puff balls haircuts. Let’s get started!

The Puff Balls Haircut: What Is It?

A puff balls haircut is a contemporary hair style in which the hair is short, full and textured. The style is created employing a ‘cut and Stack’ method incorporating short razored layers and textured stacking methods. This haircut causes the hair to appear to be soft and airy; in fact, each individual hair adds to the fullness of the hair’s shape. Puff balls haircuts vary and those to be chosen can be tailored to the shape of the face hair type of the wearer.

Puff balls haircut was popular among women in fashion magazines for hair styles but it has been introduced to men’s fashion. For boys with thick, curly or wavy hair it is a wonderful product because it keeps the hair in check but can give an air of class to their look as well.

Advantages of the Puff Balls Haircut for Boys

For boys, there are many advantages of getting a puff balls haircut. Some of these benefits include:

  1. Versatility: The puff balls haircut can be done for men or women, for almost any hair type or length. Let it be that your son has short hair, medium or long hair there is always Puff Balls for your son’s hair.
  2. Ease of maintenance: Well, with the puff balls haircut, there is no need to worry about how to style hair or even apply gel to your son’s hair daily. This hairstyle is not complex and only requires you to comb through your hair using a comb or your hand now and then.
  3. Suitable for all occasions: A puff balls haircut seems to be suitable for any situation that may arise whether it is formal or informal. Your son is very much ideal in rocking this hairstyle whether you are going to the beach, a birthday party or even a wedding reception.
  4. Flattering on all face shapes: The puff balls haircut is perfect for thus facial shapes as round, oval, square or heart kind thus perfect for boys.
  5. Adds volume and texture: The puff balls haircut is about giving your son’s hair more body and texture rather than making it appear visually lighter. This hairsuty is particularly suitable for boys with fullenda, curly, or wavy hair, as it tames their hair and gives it a great fashionable look.

A puff balls haircut is something most women desire to achieve but do not know how to maintain it to keep it looking fresh and trendy all the time.

Check Out: 10 Amazing Crew Cut Hairstyles to Rock for Boys – Style and Comfort in One!

To maintain a puff balls haircut, follow these tips

  1. Wash and condition: It is recommended that you wash your hair with a mild shampoo that does NOT contain sulfate and Conditioner that is also mild. Instead of hot water, try warm water while washing your hair to avoid elimination of moisture in your hair.
  2. Avoid excessive heat: Do not wash your hair often especially with hot water or use hot tools such as flat irons or curling wands that affect the quality of hair and lead to formation of frizzy hair. If you have to use heat, make sure you use a heat protecting spray, and use the lowest heat setting as much as you can.
  3. Blow-dry properly: When blow-drying, it becomes important to utilize a round brush for increasing volume and molding. Your hair should be slightly wet when applying the treatment, and the level of heat that you choose should be low. If it’s hair on your head, hold the brush at the scalp end while directing the air towards the hair ends with motion away from the face while drying.
  4. Use a light holding spray: After for your hair to dry, use a weightless hairspray to add volume and hold on to your hair. Dispense with thick, tacky spaying that tends to make the hair messy and compromises its formation.
  5. Use styling products wisely: However, use weight-reducing styling products cautiously: they accumulate on your hair and make it appear lifeless. However, if you have to, ensure that you use styling products meant for people with fine or thin hair.
  6. Regular trims: To maintain your haircut, ensure you continue to groom yourself by having haircuts now and then. Cuts the tips of your hair keep your hair divided from developing split ends and from breaking and therefore making your hair appear unhealthy and messy.
  7. Protect your hair at night: At night, make sure either a ponytail or bun to avoid friction between the hair and the pillow case. It is also advisable to avoid friction by sleeping on a silk pillowcase since it also prevents breakage.
  8. Eat a balanced diet: Hair health is greatly determined by some vitamins and minerals that would need to be taken regularly in order to be incorporated in the body. Consume foods rich in biotin, protein and omega 3 fatty acid like fish, nuts and green vegetation.
  9. Manage stress: You should reduce stress as it also leads to hair loss so one should try to sweat it out in the gym, doing yoga, taking a long warm bath or deep-steeping, etc.
  10. Be patient: With a puff ball hairstyle, it is necessary to patiently wait for a week or two for the hair to grow back to that style. Your hair might take a few weeks to change its shape and texture when you change the style. also, the style takes time to feel comfortable with your hair type.


The puff balls haircut is an excellent, trendy haircut that will suit boys with thick, curly, and wavy hair very much. This timelessly elegant and trendy haircut suits every boy and can be adapted to any type and length of hair. For a new and fabulous hair-cutting option for your son, the puff balls are a cut that could easily grab your attention. By taking care of subcutaneous fat as well as ensuring that your son gets the appropriate cut for his hair, you will be certainly admiring your son as you see him become the talk of the town after the new cut.

For more info: Click Here.


Does the puff ball haircut suitable for all types of hair?

A: Thus, it is rather versatile and appropriate for every hair type; however, it seems to be particularly advantageous for those boys who possess thick, curly or wavy hair. It assists in taming the hair and making it look chic and trendy at the same time something that is popular with them.

How many weeks, or months apart should a boy who has a puff balls haircut, go for a cut?

When it comes to trims, the time that is taken depends on how fast his hair is growing; your son’s. But ideally, people are advised to visit a stylist every 6-8 weeks to define the shape and volume of the hairstyle.

How many minutes would you require to style a puff balls haircut?

This is because with a puff balls haircut, you will spend little time styling your hair. This means that in the course of less than 10 minutes, you could have your son’s hair styled; especially if you consider yourself a busy parent.

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