10 Amazing Crew Cut Hairstyles to Rock for Boys – Style and Comfort in One!


Crew cuts are one of the most famous hairstyles for boys, and many of them have been wearing it for years. This is quite easy to manage and also relatively short and attention friendly which makes parents as well as the kids go for it. Men, in particular, this post will guide you through different types of awesome crew cut hairstyles for your kid. In this particular blog post, let us share the list of the 10 best crew cut hairstyle for boys to make sure that your little darling is always back into trend despite the hair length. Therefore, let’s go straight to the essentials.

10 Best Variation of Crew Cut Hairstyles

1. Classic Short Crew Cut:

Crew Cut Hairstyles

This is a description of the traditional type of crew cut hairstyle; known as the short crew cut. It is a Develop haircut type with short, equally distributed hair around the head while the hair at the top is slightly long. On the sides and back, hair is cut with a scalpel as close to the scalp as possible, whereas on the top, hair is left closer to the scalp but not as close. This style is especially appropriate for those male children with straight or wavy hair type because it enhances the look of the hair type naturally.

2. Buzz Cut with a Slight Fade:

If parents want to keep things real simple, then a fade buzz cut is ideal for their child. High hair is trimmed around the head very short and the hair continues short at the sides and back. A small taper blend makes buzz cut fashionable for boys making it ideal for boys since it has a traditional touch. This style is ideal for children who would like to shave off their hair and do not wish to worry about getting haircuts every two weeks.

3. Crew Cut with a Taper:

A taper to the crew cut means that the man’s hair on the sides and at the back of his head will not be shaved completely. This hairstyle involves having hair evenly short from the head and getting longer and even more textured at the top part of the head. The area by the sides and at the back of the head is blended to the scalp, thus coming up with an unnoticeable difference between the two length categories. I would recommend this style to different hair types and it seems to especially compliment boys with a crew cut as they want some texture in their hair.

4. Crew Cut with a Buzz Cut Undercut:

If your child is daring with an inclination towards something different, the crew cut coupled with buzz cut undercut will work perfect. On the top, it has a more traditional crew cut while on the sides and the back a buzz cut is applied. The undercut produces a sharp variation between two different lengths, which makes the hair-cutting style look fashionable and trendy. It is good for boys who would like to make an impression of the group.

5. Textured Crew Cut:

A textured crew cut is both stylish and conservative and is, therefore, a great hair for all occasions. The idea behind this particular hairstyle provides short layers throughout the head of hair, with the hair on the top section longer than those at the back to give some extra bulk. The layers guarantee a rather haphazard look of disheveled hair which is ideal for boys with wavy or curly hair. This style is good for kids who wish to create some form of volume and texture in the otherwise flat crew cut.

Check Out: Best 10 Crew Cut Taper Boys Haircut For Stylish, Easy To Maintain And Cuteness.

6. Crew Cut with a Hard Part:

A crew cut with a hard part is a very popular type of hair and it will always be stylish no matter where one is. Described by shorter hair on the entire head and parted right down the middle. This makes the hard part to be a very distinct separation with sense of edge this is given to the haircut. This style is versatile and can be completed successfully for all types of hair and is ideal for those little boys who would like that timeless cut.

7. Crew Cut with a Low Fade:

The crew cut with a low fade is a popular hair cut, it is a mix between the crew and a contemporary fade. Here, the hair is cut short throughout the head, with the hair reducing in length at the side and back of the head. Fade transition: there is a smooth line at the point where the length is gradually decreased from one length to another in the voting low fade makes the hair cut professional. It is best for those boys who do not want to spend much effort in grooming or choosing clothes that are fashionable for the season.

8. Crew Cut with a Flat Top:

Flat top crew cut is one of the most socially provocative looks that boys would love to have. It involves wearing hair equally short all over the head, but the hair on the crown is somewhat shaved flat. The flat top does not only give a stylish shave but also has a trendy and half retro style that all kids will love experimenting.

9. Crew Cut with a Curtain Fringe:

Curtness with fringes is always stylish and would suit all boys possessing straight, short hair. This hair fashion entails the having of short hair on the head while having a curtain that covers the forehead. It is more like a curtain fringe which believe me, having the vintage look can be appropriate for kids who would like to add something personal over their crew cut.

10. Crew Cut with a Clipper Fade:

Clipper fade cut with crew cut resembles a stylish and trendy hairstyle which can be appropriate for boys as this hair option does not need much care. This one involves neat short hair all over the head with the clipper fade of the sides and back hair. With the clipper fade, there is a contrast in the shades between the silky cut hair on the top and the neck fade giving the hair a modern city feel. This style is appropriate for children who desire to try change but would prefer to make it a major switch.


Crew cut hairstyles are fancy haircuts that remain popular hairstyles today, and they are preferable for boys who do not want to take their time and money for haircuts. Whether your boy likes simple, short, basic crews cut or more brutal and modern, such as cut undercuts, there is a crew-cut hairstyle for your kid. Your child should love their new look and you should give it a try by adopting any of the crew cut hairstyles described in this blog post. And, of course, let’s stick with easy and less complicated styling to make sure that your child turns heads all through the season in his/her new haircut!

For more info: Click Here.


If you give your child a crew cut haircut what is the appropriate time you should do it again?

As for basics, it still depends on the style and hair type and how often your child can get his crew cut haircut next. Depending on the type of crew cut, hair has to be trimmed every 4-6 weeks. Nevertheless, if your child has very dense or curly hair you will probably have to go to the barber more often to trim the hairs and keep the optimum length and hairstyle.

Is crew cut hairstyle suitable for boys with curly hair?

Of course, boys with curls can get a crew cut hairstyle. Consequently, curly hair can enhance the variation and depth of the standard crew cut style. The important thing to remember just keep your curls contained and find a good barber who will be able to cut and then taper the curls effectively.

How do I pick the best crew cut hairstyle for my child?

The factors that are closely related to the choice of crew hairstyle for a child are a type of hair, face shape, and individual unique style. For such washing routines, start by thinking about the texture of the hair your child has inherited and the shape of the face. Also consider the feature of your child and whether they are a traditional type or rather like something new and edgy.

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